Missing The Feed: In this chapter of the story, Titus explains why he misses the feed. He explains that the feed has so many good things about it, such as the fact that everyone can be "super smart without even working"(p.47). The feed is also a big part of Titus' life because EVERYTHING is on the feed, and that makes it so convenient. Based on what Titus says, it gives me the interpretation that corporations that made the feed are very powerful. The corporations hold "all the marbles" because of the want or "need" for the feed.

We Enter a Time of Calamity: When the old guy speaks in this manner, it made me think that he was trying to say that the feed is causing the troubles in the world, and that the "calamity" the world is in is because of the feed. The time has come where the feed is not good for people anymore. This is what I think. The lesions that everybody has been getting is probably because of the feed as well. These lesions are not good... For that, I agree with the old man in saying that the people have entered a time of calamity. Also, near the end of the story (I read ahead), [SPOILER ALERT] Titus' mother has lost so much skin that Titus could see her teeth even when her mouth was closed. This creeped me out, because it made me think she was turning into a skeleton. Let me point this out... NO SKIN = BAD, SKIN = GOOD!!!
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