Ocarina of TimeThis game should be very well known to a lot of people, because it revolutionized gaming. This game was the first Zelda game for Nintendo 64, released in 1998. As with the other

review, of Majoras Mask, this game is also in the Collectors Edition collection of classic Zelda games released for the Gamecube. It is also the first game of the Zelda franchise that was 3D. Lets get to the review, shall we? This game is pretty much the origin story of Link and the whole "Legend of Zelda". Like all other Zelda games, you play Link, the protagonist of the Zelda franchise. In the game, you roam across the land of Hyrule as you search for three Spiritual Stones that Princess Zelda herself asks you to find. These three items are said to open
the doors to the Temple of Time, where the Master Sword waits. The true reason for going through all the trouble to get these items is to ensure that the land remains at peace. You
have to do many other things later in the story, but because the story is complex, I will not go to any lengths to

describe it, because I would be giving too much away to those who have not yet played the game. What I will tell you is that it is your duty as the chosen of the Master Sword to free the land from the grasp of an unthinkable evil, Ganondorf.
You collect an assortment of tools and items that help you progress through the game. They vary from a bow and arrow (very useful) to magical beans (not so useful). The game itself is very long, so you get your money's worth if you were to buy the game. There are some side quests that you can do, such as one that allows you to get a very powerful sword after trading certain items to people across Hyrule.

You also ha
ve the Ocarina of Time, which plays a very important role in the game. Throughout the game, you learn different songs that have their own powers, such as one song that allows you to change it from day to night or vice versa. Very interesting...
For being a game released over 10 years ago, it still retains its grandeur, as the game said to be the best Zelda game of all time. I can't say much about the flaws of the game, because they are very small and there are very few of them.
Like I said before, the game has a very deep story and keeps you interested and glued to your T.V. until the very end. I give it an astounding 100/100. :]
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